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React courses

Here lives a list of courses / articles about React. We have split the courses in 3 levels: intro / intermediate and advanced.

If you have any questions or need help, join us on Slack: #rnd-education-react



React is a JavaScript library, so it assumes you have a basic understanding of the JavaScript language. If you don't feel very confident, we recommend refreshing your JavaScript knowledge.


The examples used in the courses use ES6 syntax. It is used sparingly, but we encourage you to get familiar with arrow functions, classes, template literals, let, and const statements

Create React App

In order not to loose time and get lost with your environment configuration / Webpack / ES6 or anything else, we encourage you to take a look at Create React App and follow our quick guide to be up and running right away!


Learn about React basics:

  • Rendering

  • Stateless components

  • Stateful components

  • Styling components

  • The folder architecture


  • Lifecycle methods

  • Controlled vs Uncontrolled components

  • Anti-patterns

  • Refs and the DOM

  • Lifting State Up

Advanced Topics

  • Conventions

  • Reconciliation

  • Performance Optimizations

  • Avoiding Reconciliation

  • PureComponent

  • Avoiding inline lambdas

  • Development vs Production Build

  • Context

Advanced Patterns

  • Higher-order Components

  • Children as Function

  • Renderless Components

  • Portal

  • Error handling

Last updated